Having seen Satan's beginning as Lucifer the archangel, his ascendancy over creation though deceived fallen man, and his prophesied encounter with the seed of the woman in part 1 of this teaching, we now consider his conquest by the Lord Jesus. This…
We consider Satan's beginnings as Lucifer the archangel; we move to his fall through pride and his deceitful capture of the allegiance of man. Through the exercise of his presumed sovereignty over the kingdoms of men we see his encounter with, and…
We look at the central significance of Redemption in the eternal purpose of God, as hidden behind Job's affirmation that his redeemer lives.
George looks at the incident where the unjust steward, relieved of his post, makes provision for himself in the days ahead, and applies this to the Lord's command to us to lay up treasures not on earth but in heaven.
Referring to Paul's exhortation to have the mind of Christ in Philippians chapter two, Ken encourages us to determine to have an attitude to the circumstances in our daily lives, good and bad, that issues in behaviour that honours our God. Further to…
Satan misjudges God in presuming to prove that Job's faithfulness is bought by divine blessing; man misjudges God in presuming Him to be unworthy of trust because of His apparent connivance at evil, and often-seeming helplessness or unwillingness to…
Ken explores the coming Millennial rule of the Lord Jesus and the conditions on earth when that comes to pass, as an inspiration to evangelism. We are encouraged to this particularly in the present historical state of things among the nations and the…
The faith of God, believing in Christ, is nothing if not founded on the righteousness, or justification, of God Himself. While few ever closely consider this, or appreciate the significance of it, it is nevertheless part and parcel of a growing…
We consider Job's believing as something done, not simply a spiritual concept, or article of a creed. We do this to some extent by looking at Paul's reference to the "hearing/obedience of faith" in his letter to the church in Rome. In this endeavour…
According to the theology of his day Job struggled first with the unjust suffering of the righteous as well as the prosperity of the wicked. This then was brought sickenly close to home in Job's own experience when he lost everything he owned as well…
We consider Job's all out heart's cry to close with God Himself above every other need he has as the root of God's testimony concerning him as a "perfect and upright man, one who fears God and eschews evil." We look at this as speaking to us about…
Invariably the Lord Jesus will completely capsize all of our natural expectations and conceptions of both Himself, and also of His manner of rule of the universe. This has tremendous implications for the way our lives unfold as we firstly come to Him…
At the heart of our life in Jesus Christ is the guidance, assurance, correction and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Terry takes us through a comprehensive scriptural teaching of the way the Spirit of the Lord governs our life in Christ through our…
Job was adjudged by God to be "perfect and upright" and one that "feared God and forsook evil". Without the scriptures, and without the indwelling Holy Spirit (Christ, the fulfilment of the scriptures, dwelling within), how did Job achieve this? Paul…
Failing to listen to the Lord to know His mind and will concerning the matters we pray about; semi- or illiteracy in His language (the scriptures); and having a large payload of instructions for Him (the sacrifice of fools) issues in an empty and…
In his letter to the Galatian believers Paul addresses the continuing antagonism, the tug of war, that exists between the spirit and the flesh in the believer. Emphasising the guidance and leading of the indwelling Spirit of the Lord in our lives…
We consider the gospel of Christ as a life of prayer in union/communion with God in Christ. The two "little while" references of the Lord in His crucifixion-eve discourse, and the distinction between natural and spiritual sight, sheds light on what…
Since Cain slew Abel the righteous have been persecuted throughout the history of the world. In the last three or four centuries however, the Western Judeo-Christian nations have known a relative peace from persecution during which time much…
The eternal Son of God received a commission by His own consent from His Father before the foundation of the world. This was in fact a mutual commission between the Father and the Son. Those who come to Christ are included in His Great Commission. We…
The apostle Paul tells us that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. We consider this as a key element of the Commission originally given to the eternal Son by His Father, willingly received by Himself in connection…
In anticipation of the day when we all stand before the Lord, George urges us to consider the response we give to Him should He ask us concerning our fitness to enter into the marriage supper: Christ dead, buried, resurrected and His blood shed for…
The Lord Jesus' supreme interest in His life and service of His Father on earth was the hallowing of His Father's Name, or which is the same thing, the glorifying of His Father. When He instructs us to pray, "Our Father which is in heaven, hallowed…
Focusing on the "I Am-ness" of Jesus at the resuscitation of Lazarus Ken emphasises the very present reality of Life in Jesus, in this fallen world prior to our ultimate translation to His presence in the age to come.
As Jesus commences His public Messianic ministry to Israel, we see how He gains a sympathetic heart right in the midst of the Jewish rulership. We also see how He refers to Moses and the bronze serpent on the pole in the wilderness pointing to His…
John in his gospel focuses on Jesus mainly on the occasions He was in Judea and Jerusalem. His purpose is to present Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. He does this by recording a number of especially chosen signs by way of engaging the leadership…
Our present day is characterised by a concerted evil globalist agenda of fear and intimidation aimed at the world at large, and more particularly at those who believe in Jesus Christ, and at the people of Israel. Citing a number of instances of…
Jesus persistently refused to openly declare His Messianic identity to Israel until shortly before His final rejection by the nation. Why should He do this, and what can we learn from this aspect of His life on earth as a man trusting God?
In this day of the steady disintegration of western society, and the popular view that we are in a "mess", Ken reminds us of the uniqueness and enduring and unsurpassed value of the Bible. At the heart of it, the gospel as the "power of God unto…
When He first came into the world, Jesus came to the notice of few people, and even then to the socially small and unknown. Nevertheless, His arrival was announced to royalty and the aristocracy in Jerusalem not long after His birth. Though arriving…
The apostle Peter urges us in the midst of suffering to endure faithfully with the salvation, purifying, warfare, peace and keeping of our souls in view. By so committing ourselves to God we discover the growing manifestation of Christ as our life…