Following Jesus' reference to the seed being fruitful through death in John 12, Ross presents our own deliverance from self and death through our identification with Christ and His Cross.
We see in the deliverance of the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda, and the occasion of Paul's "thorn in the flesh", the Lord's intention that we always obtain deliverance in trouble, where that deliverance is essentially a greater revelation of…
Ross exposes a narrow theology of suffering that fails to take into consideration the sovereignty of God, and His purpose in our lives. In the face of inexplicable sufferings we are urged to trust our Lord, even finding contentment in an increased…
With reference to some incidents in His missionary service, Bob highlights the sovereign grace of God working in his life to preserve Him in the midst of sometimes life-threatening danger.
Encouraging believers to "walk as children of light" Ross identifies Christ as the Source of that light. By Him we see the light, we expose darkness, and we become light through the work of His Cross. As we are delivered from self-centredness, we…
With brief reference to the service of Nehemiah, Ken exhorts us in consideration of our pursuit of the Lord's eternal purpose in our lives. Seeking the Lord's wisdom and insight we are encouraged to exercise diligence in our devotion to our Lord as…
With reference to a selection of passages in the letter of James, Ross considers the matter of prayer. Aspects such as faith, humility, sincerity, integrity of attitude and the sovereignty of God are all touched upon.
Stephen examines the heart of the servant of God, by first observing that Jesus, the true and eternal Servant of God takes those who are anything but servants, and gives us a heart like His own. Both Joseph and Jeremiah are cited as demonstrating…
In a brief consideration of the healing of the Nobleman's son in John 4, we are encouraged to look at the nature of our believing: do we seek a "sign", that is, something more than simply the truth of Jesus Himself, something outward, to buttress our…
Ken identifies spiritual marks of the church that are precious in the sight of God, including compassion, meekness of spirit, a sure confession according to the word of God, the death of His saints, and the unity of the Body of Christ.
Moving through James' teaching on the tongue, Ross identifies how destructive an impure heart can be as it is expressed through the spoken word.
We take a look at something of the meaning of James' identification of true religion, and discover that the compassion of God is central to the true expression of our faith as believers in Jesus.
Looking at Nathanael, and the extraordinary depth of his confession of the identity of Jesus, on the barest evidence, we look a little below the surface at the spiritual significance of a guileless heart, and a simple childlike faith.
Through the lives of Joshua and Caleb in particular, Bob unfolds to us the nature of whole-hearted allegiance to the Lord. The cost in terms of submission and discipline, and the privileges in terms of victory and rest are identified in ancient…
Ken encourages us to examine our spiritual stature with a view to determine the hunger or otherwise of our attitude toward the Lord Jesus.
Ken observes how the promises of God, while freely available to the believer, must be inherited through faith, patience and obedience. Disappointment, discouragement and disillusionment can all be thwarted through hope, and in the lives of Isaac…
Phil considers the warning passages in the book of Hebrews and especially how our present walk with the Lord is the vital consideration, not some ultimate destiny.
Ross takes a closer look at the trials that James speaks of with the view that they are intended to result in spiritual increase for those who experience them.
Ross asks “What now?” following on from our having entered into the Holy Place through faith in the Lord Jesus as our High Priest.
Stephen explores how crucial forgiveness is to a clear understanding of the Lord and His ways, and the unity of the Body of Christ.
Ross takes a tour of Hebrews 11 in the process of encouraging us in our faith.
Phil looks at the intimate connection between the golden altar and the ark of the covenant immediately on the other side of the veil, and the significance of prayer in our relationship with God.
Phil considers how deliverance from sin is part and parcel with regeneration by the Holy Spirit, and consists in particular in the possession of a new life, a life from heaven.
Ross explores the way Jesus fulfils the Levitical priesthood by bringing us into the presence of the living God once and for all through His victory over sin and death.
Focussing on Psalm 133, and Jesus’ prayer for those who are His in John 17, Ken encourages us to be diligent in keeping the unity of the Spirit in our lives in the Body of Christ, that His glory and His love might be manifested in His church.
In this talk we see Jesus perfected as Saviour, and as such bringing His own to perfection through regeneration, where that perfection flows on from being baptized into the life of God in the Holy Spirit.
Beginning with the Hebrews’ failure to enter God’s rest through the disobedience of unbelief, Ross leads on to the Lord’s rest of faith, and our mutual encouragement of one another that is all part of our entering into that rest.
“You are my Son, this day have I begotten You”; we look at the significance of this designation of Jesus, in connection with His resurrection, His sonship, and His perfection as our Saviour, as God speaks to us in this church age Son-wise.
Considering a primary theme in the Book of Hebrews, Ross gives us a view of the supremacy of Christ, His holiness, His unique love, His creative power, His atoning sufficiency in the sight of God.
In consideration of the significance of a letter written specifically to Jewish believers, we look at the relevance of that to ourselves as Gentile believers, identifying a key element applicable to both.