In Peter's mother-in-law we see a picture of the Church set free to serve the Lord and one another in the will of God, that we might proceed from the revelation of the Son in us, to our destiny of the revelation of the Son in fulness through us as…
Through the lens of the incident where the man of much wealth quizzes Jesus about the "price" required to obtain eternal life, Ross considers the only access being via the matchless worth of Christ.
The true church of Jesus Christ in the western world has lost over the centuries, and continues to lose, an immense amount of credibility such that in our day we live in a post-christian society. As Jesus, on earth, had no honour in His own "country…
During the global pandemic and the isolation governments have required, this is a time to attend to what is most essential in our life in God; namely, a deep, spiritual, fellowship with Jesus.
Continuing a series of talks tracing the progression of the unfolding of the salvation history of God's bringing to pass of His eternal purpose from the Old Testament to the New Testament, Ross briefly covers the transition from law to grace.
From the Fall in Genesis through to Jesus' coming and atoning sacrifice on the cross, Ross briefly traces the spiritual history of Israel in the course of God bringing His Messiah into the world.
As we consider the faith of the Syro-Phoenician woman who pled with Jesus to deliver her demonically possessed daughter, we discover the riches of the Lord made freely available to the implicitly trusting heart.
At the heart of the Christian life is prayer. In this brief message Ross looks at some of its perennially salient features.
In the grip of the fear of death, Jesus' disciples discover a dimension of the mastery this Man has over the forces of nature, and from the incident we learn something of what it means for us to have passed from death to life in Jesus.
We look at the way the apostles come to terms with the wonder of the resurrection of Jesus, after the desolation of His crucifixion.
Terry overviews the Life we have in Jesus, covering various aspects such as meaning, security, love, fulfillment, satisfaction, significance, identity and acceptance, which he cites as stabilizing elements of our relationship with the Lord worth…
From Paul's letter to the Ephesians, we look at the Unity of the Spirit, and the Unity of the Faith, and this parallel line of thought with being on the Foundation of Christ, and then building upon that foundation, and the relevance of that to our…
With reference to the passages in the apostle John's first letter, in which John speaks of what we, in Christ, know and are assured of, Bob encourages us in difficult days concerning the power and security we have in Jesus as we trust in Him in…
With the Lord's illustration of the Vine and the branches from John 15 in mind, we see the centrality of Christ to the life, fruitfulness and indestructibility of His Church.
Paul's "heavenly vision" (Acts 26:19) - "For me to live is Christ" - was the foundation that lay behind all he was and did in his life's service of Jesus. Paul is set forth as an example for us all, that we should be solidly on the same foundation…
In this message on prayer we are urged above all to surrender ourselves to the Lord in all seasons of prayer, seeking His will and purpose, and guarding against the intrusion of our own preferred agenda.
We look at Paul's "heavenly vision" in his defence before king Agrippa, by way of uncovering the meaning of "vision" in both the lives of individual believers, and how that works out in the local assembly.
John's account of Jesus walking on the water is brief in the extreme. When we look into it though, in the wider context of Jesus' whole manner of living, we find inspiring implications for our own knowledge of the Lord and our life in Him.
In this final sign in John's gospel we see the Lord in His third post-resurrection appearance to the disciples, moving them from the apprehension of Himself according to the outward apprearance, to that of inward spiritual illumination in…
Having complete mastery of death, Jesus was delivered to death, by way of bringing life to us. Now, in Him, we who live are likewise delivered to death - devotion to the will of God - that Jesus' life might be manifest in us as we overcome in His…
Looking briefly at Jonah's ministry in the light of the truth that we are called of God and equipped to be a blessing, Rob encourages us to seek real connection with those we are sent to share the gospel with.
We are encouraged to know the Lord's grief over sin, being aware of His love and mercy in that light, that we might grieve in a godly manner over both sin in ourselves, as well as in the world around us, and be moved to the appropriate godly response…
We look at the man born blind, and given sight by Jesus, confronting the leadership of Israel in testimony to Jesus, and thereby typifying believers in this dispensation confronting the world in testimonty to Jesus. He is the Light of the world, and…
With a brief review of the promises of Christ's first coming, and the faithfulness of God to His word, we are encouraged to live day by day now ready for, and in expectancy of His second coming.
Reading through Luke chapter one, Ross observes the annunciation, the birth and ministry of John the Baptist, touching the matters of faith and unbelief, fulfillment of prophecy, angelic visitation, and the sovereign power of God.
Briefly sketching from the time of Malachi, Ross observes how unprepared the nation of Israel was for their Messiah, and how mistaken they were in their understanding of the purpose of God in Messiah's coming.
Emphasizing the truth that the Lord is invariably intent upon restoration where there is fracture and disjointedness in the Body of Christ, Ross addresses the significance of forgiveness in that context.
Using the parable before us, Ross highlights the importance of fruit, both as an element of a christian's life, and as a discriminator between those who follow, and those who don't follow Christ.
Jesus fed 5000 in the wilderness as a prelude to presenting Himself as the true bread of God come down from heaven to give life to the world. We live as we feed upon Him day by day.
Following Paul's repudiation, in Philippians chapter three, of every possible confidence he may have had in his own pedigree, gifts and energies in the service of God, Ken exhorts us to a whole-hearted pursuit of the Lord Jesus and His righteousness…