With a comprehensive overview of the nature of true discipleship in the Lord Jesus, illustrated by a wide-ranging summary of many years of his own personal experience following and serving the Lord, Terry presents us with a searching and illuminating…
God's eternal purpose, His full pleasure, the centre and sum of all His deliberations and appointments is found in His Son and nowhere else. In the light of this we consider an understanding of the wrath of God in the context of the atonement of…
We begin in this continuing series on the atonement to look at the wrath of God, and in particular to start to address the question as to whether Jesus was punished for our sins, and also whether the wrath of God was poured out on Jesus on the cross…
We take a further look at the gospel as the power of God, bearing in mind that the Atonement is at the heart of the gospel. We take notice of the fact that the righteousness of God is revealed through the gospel, and that it is, comprehensively, the…
We look at the gospel as the power of God by which we are saved, and as the gift of God Himself to us, whereby we receive and participate in the Atonement at the heart of divine Redemption in Christ. This provision is made available to us by the pure…
What is the significance of Christ as the antitype of the scapegoat released into the wilderness on the Day of Atonement? We look at what being made perfect means, what it means to have no conscience of sins and what it means that there is no more…
Ross concludes his ministry among us with a message on the church as she is depicted in John 15 in Jesus' parable of the Vine and the branches. The centrality and all-sufficiency of Jesus for both the individual and the corporate Body of Christ is…
In Christ we have been given all things for life and godliness, and following Peter's development of that, Ross exhorts us to ever pursue a deeper knowledge of the Lord.
Examining faith in Jesus as being centred in Him, and not dependent upon cultural distinctives, Ross highlights the aspects of prayer, prevailing attitudes of society toward Christ, the scriptures and the purpose of God in our lives.
Ross emphasises the dynamic nature of holding on in the life of faith. Rather than a mere clinging, we steadily walk with the Lord in living fellowship. Vital elements like prayer, encouragement, discipline, fruitfulness, sanctification, and…
Unequivocally, Jesus will return to this earth for His own, and establish His glorious heavenly kingdom in anticipation of the eternal age to come.
The Lord told Aaron that He would meet with him in the cloud above the mercy seat. We look at the centrality and the all-pervasiveness of prayer in the presence of God at the heart of the atonement. Life in Christ, who is the atonement of divine…
Generally understood in legal terms, the atonement of Christ is actually much more than that. The presence, purity and favour of God Himself is at the heart of the atonement, and in this message we briefly overview a handful of new testament…
From Peter's second letter Ross emphasises our dependence upon the grace of God, particularly in respect of our faith, and our knowledge of the Lord. Faithful attendance upon this issues in fruitfulness in our lives.
While the world reels and struggles under the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, do we, the church, have a word from God, as to where He is and what He is doing? He intends that His people should be in the secret of His doings. Is this virus of God?
Jesus, questioned by the religious leaders concerning His teaching responded, "...he that seeks the glory of him who sent him is true and there is no unrighteousness in him." In the life of Judah, vis-a-vis his father Jacob with respect to firstly…
In a time of serious assault upon the Judea-Christian heritage in the western world by powers inimical to Christ, we look at Israel in the days of her spiritual declension prior to her exile, and also prior to her crucifixion of her Messiah, and in…
Beginning His ministry at a marriage, we see Jesus signalling the ultimate marriage - the Lamb and His Bride. After creation, shame came with sin and death. In the new creation Jesus removes the shame, uniting us with Himself, bringing to fulness the…
We are taken through the first fourteen verses of the first chapter of Paul's second letter to Timothy, by way of encouraging us to continue faithful in the face of suffering, and in the vigour of the Gift of God in the gospel. With Christ the centre…
Discipleship, or better, apprenticeship, with the Lord Jesus has the eternal principle of the Cross at the very heart of it. Expressed there is God, in eternal love, giving all of Himself to us, in Christ. In so doing, He wins from us our utter…
We view several verses of Psalm 118 by way of seeing the Holy Spirit's prophetic nowness with some of the events of the week of Jesus final entry into Jerusalem, and His crucifixion and resurrection.
In Peter's mother-in-law we see a picture of the Church set free to serve the Lord and one another in the will of God, that we might proceed from the revelation of the Son in us, to our destiny of the revelation of the Son in fulness through us as…
Through the lens of the incident where the man of much wealth quizzes Jesus about the "price" required to obtain eternal life, Ross considers the only access being via the matchless worth of Christ.
The true church of Jesus Christ in the western world has lost over the centuries, and continues to lose, an immense amount of credibility such that in our day we live in a post-christian society. As Jesus, on earth, had no honour in His own "country…
During the global pandemic and the isolation governments have required, this is a time to attend to what is most essential in our life in God; namely, a deep, spiritual, fellowship with Jesus.
Continuing a series of talks tracing the progression of the unfolding of the salvation history of God's bringing to pass of His eternal purpose from the Old Testament to the New Testament, Ross briefly covers the transition from law to grace.
From the Fall in Genesis through to Jesus' coming and atoning sacrifice on the cross, Ross briefly traces the spiritual history of Israel in the course of God bringing His Messiah into the world.
As we consider the faith of the Syro-Phoenician woman who pled with Jesus to deliver her demonically possessed daughter, we discover the riches of the Lord made freely available to the implicitly trusting heart.
At the heart of the Christian life is prayer. In this brief message Ross looks at some of its perennially salient features.
In the grip of the fear of death, Jesus' disciples discover a dimension of the mastery this Man has over the forces of nature, and from the incident we learn something of what it means for us to have passed from death to life in Jesus.