Ken takes us through the proverb which first instructs us, then warns us, then guides us, and finally promises us the Lord's outcome, all by way of encouraging us to trust Him in everything, especially when we are altogether at that impossible…
George impresses upon us the extraordinary truth of the fact that in Jesus Christ we participate in the very righteousness of the Lord Jesus Himself in the sight of God.
The writer to the Hebrews says that "strong meat belongs to those who are of full age, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." We look at what that has to do with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and…
In the closing years before the exile of Ephraim, and a little later, that of Judah, God promised a sign. That sign was fulfilled in Isaiah's day; it was also fulfilled in the days before Israel finally rejected their promised Messiah; there is even…
Terry unfolds for us 69 of the 70 weeks of the prophecy given by the angel Gabriel to Daniel identifying the historical date at which the first coming of the Messiah would occur, including the forecast of His crucifixion.
In these uncertain days Ken unfolds some of the unshakable things of God: His word, His love, His promises and His faithfulness as all-sufficient to counter much in our world and our lives that can be, and inevitably will be, shaken by God.
Following a loose theme of the Cross in connection with our spiritual life as addressed by the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, we consider Saul, the persecutor of the church, encountering Jesus and "feeding" from the Tree…
We begin to look at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and how the Lord's ultimate intention is that we should feed from that tree according to the order of God. We see how Jesus of Nazareth knew good and evil as God does and He knew it not…
We look at Jacob at the brook Jabbok wrestling with the angel and see the angel triumph in bringing Jacob at last to the place where he, Jacob, in abject helplessness triumphs over the angel and wins the blessing: the name Israel. We then see how…
The apostle Paul locates the Cross of Christ, that is, the eternal spiritual principle of complete dependence upon God, as the thoroughgoing separation between himself in Christ and the world, where by the world he means that spirit of the world that…
Jesus, by referring Nicodemus to the "Son of Man" and the incident concerning the bronze serpent on the pole in the wilderness, opens the way for him to come to grips with heavenly things - in effect, the way of the cross.
We look at a Centurion who recognised the secret of Jesus' authority, even to the point of having mastery of death's assault, in the truth that He was Himself under authority. This, of course, goes to the heart of the eternal principle of the Cross.
As the world grapples with the politicisation of a flu virus across the nations, we in the church of Jesus Christ need to have an understanding of the times in which we live, and to be alert to His voice as the prophetic fulfilment of the eternal…
We live in a time when the unseen powers of evil that are opposed to Jesus Christ are increasingly moving to impose a strict form upon His church. We are encouraged to see that the church is a living organism whose form is governed not by rules…
Terry traces the evolving revelation of Jesus of Nazareth as God the Son from before the foundation of the world through to the present church age. We view this unfolding panorama through the eyes of prophets, shepherds, Magi, disciples, his family…
In the days of Samuel, neither the Philistines, nor even Eli the high priest, really knew the God of Israel. Confused by the noise of a victory shout (the Philistines) and by the noise of calamity (Eli), when the Lord uttered His voice (thunder…
As the western world slides away from its Judeo-Christian heritage, the rule of law, and the values according to which alone western democracy has been established and survived, the church of Jesus Christ in the west faces pressures and tests that it…
Israel, in seeking to fight the Philistines, is in a deplorable spiritual condition. Thinking to enlist God in their enterprise, by bringing the ark of the covenant into the camp, they fail miserably. God will not be "used" by us for our agenda. As…
We begin to look at Israel ignorantly charged with a sense of self-sufficiency. When they fail in battle against the Philistines, and confused as to why, they fail to seek the mind of the Lord by the word of the prophet Samuel, whom they have long…
At the close of the time of the Judges the priesthood fails with Eli and his sons Hophni and Phinehas. The Lord then moves to bring in Samuel as the beginning (not forgetting Abraham, Moses, and Joshua) of a long line of prophets which finally…
We look at the tremendous significance of God's visitation of Israel on Mt. Sinai, especially concerning what was included in type in the Law and the Tent of Meeting/Testimony as it presents Christ and the Church in detail. At the heart of this is…
As the Lord proceeds to bring His Son in in the process of bringing to pass His eternal purpose in the world of fallen man, He every so often checks man's ceaseless tendency to self-destruction. In this message we look at the divine choice of Abram…
As we briefly trace the moral disintegration of the race from the Fall through to the call of Abram, we observe how the Lord carefully hinders our settled and persistent tendency to racial self-destruction. Within the context of His theocratic rule…
From the earliest days, with the man Abel, men began to call upon the name of the Lord. We consider not so much the theological or doctrinal meaning of the name of the Lord, but the personal, immediate meaning of His name as His real Presence, in the…
Pursuing the theme of the church in prayer and Abel typical of the man whose heart is perfect toward the Lord, we look at Cain's brief genealogy as typical of the ever declining moral tendency of fallen man. Behind this is the divine subjection of…
We take a look at Abel as having a heart perfect toward the Lord (as per II Chron. 16.9). The meaning of this is that he listens to the Lord, and yields obediently to His voice, being strengthened and in consequence finding safety, and quietness from…
The Lord ever looks upon the hearts of all of humanity seeking those who will give heed to His voice, that they may know Him as their strength, and find real contentment in Him irrespective of the vagaries of life in this fallen world.
In a world that is increasingly fraught with violence, confusion, deception and deep anxiety, we find that there is a peace which passes all understanding which is ours in Christ, if we will simply trust in the word of the Lord.
We look at resurrection life in as much as Christ becomes our life, His things our complete preoccupation, His power the working of this reality in us, and our becoming constituted holy ones in union of life with Him, and all of each of us being our…
Paul speaks of our being known by God, and by way of looking into the meaning of this we see how the Lord Jesus brings us increasingly into the knowledge of Himself by knowing us through His living in us.