Habakkuk had a dilemma with God: Your use of the Chaldeans to judge Your own people seems to compromise Your purity and righteousness. Living 600 years before Paul speaks to this, identifying light shed by Christ's cross (Rom. 6:23-26), God gives…
Habakkuk has a difficulty with God's silence in response to his cries against the wickedness of the people of Judah. His difficulty is then increased when God tells him that He will use the Chaldeans to judge His people. The prophet then has a…
The Babylonian juggernaut was seemingly invincible, and ruthlessly devoted to world domination. That such a regime of unmitigated evil should be an instrument of judgement in the hand of the Lord against His own people scandalised the prophet…
In this message we begin to look at parallels between Judah's position at the dawn of the Babylonian captivity, Israel's position following their rejection of their Messiah, and our position today at the approaching close of the age.
For the apostolic church, the Tanach (the Hebrew scriptures) was their Bible. The apostles' teaching was the presentation of Jesus as the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets. The new testament writings reveal Christ as the meaning of the Hebrew…
We briefly consider the anatomy of Biblical faith, especially its source and dynamic, but also including its experience, measure, ground and fruit. We see that the mind, heart, truth and nature - in short, the life - of the Son of God, by the…
Terry begins by noticing the Biblical definition of faith and then proceeds to survey the operation and fruit of faith in those who believe by referring to various people and situations in the scriptures.
"Out of the heart are the issues of life..." and George emphasises the imperative of sowing the Word of the Lord in our hearts, that our lives and the lives of others may demonstrate the power and purpose of God.
God urges His people to give Him no rest in His stated purpose of seeing Jerusalem (His holy people) established in glory, and George sees this same manner of persistence urged upon us by the Lord Jesus in the parable of the unjust judge and the…
Looking at Paul's classical portrait of the love of God in I Cor. 13, Peter touches some of the practical aspects by which God's amazing love is manifest in His people.
A brief introduction to a certain similarity between our day and that of Judah's on the eve of the Babylonian captivity. The prophet Habakkuk gives us a window on the moral degeneration of the people of God, and the Lord's response to that…
Jim refers to incidents from his own experience in Jesus by way of testifying to His complete sufficiency in life.
George expounds on Jesus' teaching that whether the offence is small or great, for our own health and salvation, as also for the wellbeing of others, forgiveness is not only essential, but the exercise of forgiveness is straight forward and…
We look at the universal Rule of God in this present age in view of His sovereign government of the kingdom of men. The divinely appointed authorities are so set up with a consideration of the moral condition of the people they are installed to rule…
After some years of peace and prosperity in Israel, Samuel is aged and the people are looking to have a king "like all the nations." His two sons are corrupt and we begin to look at this and something of what that has to say about ourselves as the…
Samuel heard from God, and brought the word of the Lord to Israel. Israel, formerly full of pride and self-sufficiency, were continually oppressed by the Philistines. Eventually, through brokenness, they came to repentance, and through Samuel's…
The Kingdom, or Rule, of God, unlike the kingdoms of men, is in essence spiritual, and is marked by the truth of God. Globally, there are a number of indications that the close of the present age is near, when Jesus will return to set up His…
Seen briefly in Jacob's life and more fully in the apostle Paul's, we find that spiritual maturity involves serving the Lord in the depths of our total inadequacy, but in the fulness of His sufficiency. There, our sufferings and difficulties are so…
Jesus came to bear witness to the truth, and has sent us in turn to bear witness to the truth that becomes ours as we hear His voice.
In this talk we explore something of the motivation behind prevailing prayer as brought to us by the Spirit of the Lord, surprisingly, and unexpectedly, through the words of an unjust judge. Our Father means to meet with us daily as His fervently…
As we continue to look at Paul as exemplifying the "spiritual man" we consider the purity of heart that is given to us as an element of the liberty which is ours in the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Ken looks at our calling in these uncertain days, to be salt and light as we bear the gospel of Jesus Christ to a world confused and without hope.
Terry asks the question, Who and what is man? and shows us how mightily precious we are to God, how wonderfully made, how damnably deformed through sin, and how gloriously redeemed through the Lord Jesus Christ by His Redemption, when we repent and…
The source of authority which governs our lives is searchingly investigated in this message, in the context of our times where there are many competing efforts of a global nature attempting to exert control over our lives.
We are taken from the Lord's promise of the fact of His return including the numerous signs and indications of the present church age which will precede that return, to a number of apostolic references indicating the manner of His return and our need…
Examining how God, through the service of faithful believers writes Jesus Christ on human hearts, we see something of the "greater works" Jesus says that those who believe in Him will do.
Continuing our theme of looking at the way of the cross in the context of the sufferings and troubles associated with life in this fallen world with its anti-christian spirit, we look further at the apostle Paul as he is set forth as the spiritual…
As illustrative of a mature believer, also termed the "spiritual man" (1 Cor. 2:15), we look at Paul the apostle and his reflection upon a season of sufferings when he was in Asia, as he writes to encourage the Corinthian believers. We see that…
As a prelude to seeing what growth to full age (spiritually) means in the life of the apostle Paul, we look at his time in Ephesus where he spent 3 years during which time the whole of Asia was effectually evangelised with the true apostolic gospel.
Living close to the close of this age, it is incumbent upon us in Christ that we aim to grow to full age, able to discern the good and the evil. This is for our own security in days of rapidly growing ungodliness in both the world and the false…