• Hallowed Be Your Name

    19 March, 2023

    The Lord Jesus' supreme interest in His life and service of His Father on earth was the hallowing of His Father's Name, or which is the same thing, the glorifying of His Father. When He instructs us to pray, "Our Father which is in heaven, hallowed…

  • Jesus is the Life to Live

    12 March, 2023

    Focusing on the "I Am-ness" of Jesus at the resuscitation of Lazarus Ken emphasises the very present reality of Life in Jesus, in this fallen world prior to our ultimate translation to His presence in the age to come.

  • Jesus and the Jews Part 2

    05 March, 2023

    As Jesus commences His public Messianic ministry to Israel, we see how He gains a sympathetic heart right in the midst of the Jewish rulership. We also see how He refers to Moses and the bronze serpent on the pole in the wilderness pointing to His…

  • Jesus and the Jews Part 1

    26 February, 2023

    John in his gospel focuses on Jesus mainly on the occasions He was in Judea and Jerusalem. His purpose is to present Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. He does this by recording a number of especially chosen signs by way of engaging the leadership…

  • Our Need for Moral Courage

    19 February, 2023

    Our present day is characterised by a concerted evil globalist agenda of fear and intimidation aimed at the world at large, and more particularly at those who believe in Jesus Christ, and at the people of Israel. Citing a number of instances of…

  • The Hidden Messiah

    12 February, 2023

    Jesus persistently refused to openly declare His Messianic identity to Israel until shortly before His final rejection by the nation. Why should He do this, and what can we learn from this aspect of His life on earth as a man trusting God?

  • Be Sure of This

    29 January, 2023

    In this day of the steady disintegration of western society, and the popular view that we are in a "mess", Ken reminds us of the uniqueness and enduring and unsurpassed value of the Bible. At the heart of it, the gospel as the "power of God unto…

  • The Disciples First

    22 January, 2023

    When He first came into the world, Jesus came to the notice of few people, and even then to the socially small and unknown. Nevertheless, His arrival was announced to royalty and the aristocracy in Jerusalem not long after His birth. Though arriving…

  • Christ Our Underwriter

    15 January, 2023

    The apostle Peter urges us in the midst of suffering to endure faithfully with the salvation, purifying, warfare, peace and keeping of our souls in view. By so committing ourselves to God we discover the growing manifestation of Christ as our life…

  • The Stronger Man and the Kingdom of God

    08 January, 2023

    The eternal Son, incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, came to bear witness to the truth, to judge the god of this world, and to establish the actual rule of the Kingdom of God, in this age, eventually in His millennial rule, and ultimately in the new…

  • The Compassion and Mercy of God

    01 January, 2023

    James sets forth Job and his ordeal as an example of the compassion and mercy of God. An example of endurance under severe trial, yes. But an example of the compassion and mercy of God, who instigated the whole ordeal? However, James is not mistaken…

  • King of the Jews

    25 December, 2022

    The wise men asked, "Where is he that is born king of the Jews?" In this world, in the church, in our lives, what shall we answer to that question? Not where theologically, doctrinally, geographically, cosmologically, but where in terms of "What is…

  • The Way Of The Messiah

    18 December, 2022

    We look at the commencement of Jesus' public ministry, His baptism by John, and His appointment as the "Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world", and as the One who baptises in the Holy Spirit. Looking thus to Him, we seek to understand more…

  • The Best Way to Live

    11 December, 2022

    "We may not have the power to control, but we do have the power to surrender." Considering Mary's response to the angel's news that she is to become pregnant by the Holy Spirit, and the potential difficulties such a development may entail, we are…

  • The Interests of My Father

    27 November, 2022

    Luke alone of the evangelists gives us the incident in Jesus' life when He gains His moral majority before God - He gains His "son of the covenant" stature. We consider what this means as to His relationship with God, and His awareness of the calling…

  • Messiah's Incarnation

    20 November, 2022

    We observe the sovereign ordering of God, by the Holy Spirit, as He brings His Son into the world, a world which is violently intent upon His destruction from infancy. God's front door, by which He brings His King into the world, is altogether other…

  • Our Christian Identity

    13 November, 2022

    In light of the human need to belong, to have a sense of personal worth, and adequacy in the practical pursuits of life within this world, as well as in that world to come, Terry locates the fulness of provision made by our heavenly Father in His Son…

  • We The Church - Prayer Part 2

    01 November, 2022

    As Judah comes to intercede before Joseph for his father Jacob's interests we see something of the meaning of prayer and our heavenly Father's heart toward us in drawing us into prayer.

  • We The Church - Prayer Part 1

    31 October, 2022

    Prayer as seen typified in the approach of Jacob's ten sons to their brother Joseph, and the Lord's objective seen as more than simply satisfying their request for food.

  • What's in Your Hand?

    30 October, 2022

    With reference to the incident where the Lord turns Moses' rod into a snake and back to a rod, Ken encourages us to listen to the Lord, and to make ourselves and our all available to Him in the daily circumstances of our lives.

  • Messiah's Forerunner

    23 October, 2022

    In anticipation of looking at the intimate guidance of the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit during His time on earth in the flesh, we consider the divine management by angelic visitation, and Holy Spirit intervention, of the preparation for that in the…

  • The Fulness of Time

    16 October, 2022

    Preliminary to looking at the careful direction of Jesus' life on earth in the flesh, under the government of the Holy Spirit, we consider the harmonious combination of events that characterised what Paul calls the "fulness of time" when Jesus first…

  • To This End...For This Cause...

    09 October, 2022

    According to the carefully predetermined eternal purpose of God, all things are to be summed up in His Son. This involved the sovereignly governed life of Jesus of Nazareth, in the course of which all members of the Godhead were active. In…

  • The Affection of God

    02 October, 2022

    George explores the significance of God's affections, in the process presenting a somewhat unorthodox view of Israel in Revelation ch. 7 when the Lord turns again to His ancient people following the close of the times of the Gentiles.

  • The Legacy of the Saint

    25 September, 2022

    Ken covers some scriptures to direct our thoughts to the consideration of what manner of christian legacy we will leave as we depart this life.

  • The Cup of the Lord

    18 September, 2022

    In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed to His Father, "if it be possible, let this cup pass from me." What does He mean by the cup? What does He mean by "let it pass from me"? What does this mean for us? In this message we consider a response to…

  • The Kingdom of God Part 10

    11 September, 2022

    Habakkuk, the prophet, prays in the wake of the Lord's response to his cry concerning the wickedness of Judah and the Babylonians. The prophet 'hears' the clash of the All-Holy, Almighty with the nations of the world as unfolding from his day all the…

  • The Kingdom of God Part 9

    04 September, 2022

    As the prophet Habakkuk struggles with the divinely appointed agency of Nebuchadnezzar in the Lord's judgement and correction of Judah on the eve of their Babylonian captivity, the Lord gives him five woes upon Nebuchadnezzar, and applicable to many…

  • The Doctrine of Baptisms

    28 August, 2022

    Terry covers the doctrine of baptisms (referred to in Hebrews 6), observing five different types of baptism mentioned in scripture, each having four components, comprehensively issuing in the fulfilment of the promise of the Father.

  • The Land in Between

    21 August, 2022

    In uncertain times when unexpected changes take place in our lives, the unpredictability of events can unsettle us. Ken looks at Israel just out of Egypt and also at a later time during their history with the Lord and distils three simple principles…