Looking at the possible options the young boy with the loaves and fishes had, Bob explores possible impediments to our own surrender of our all to the Lord.
Ross encourages us in the midst of an increasingly secular world to a life of faith, hope and love, depending upon the faithfulness of our God to keep us true to Him.
Ross explores the tremendous compassion of our Holy and Righteous God, especially as expressed through Jesus, and as also given freely to us in the Holy Spirit.
Ross considers life in the Lord with respect to the eternal perspective where our imperishable spirits shall be clothed by imperishable bodies. The prophetess Deborah illustrates for us this perspective.
We look at the development of a faith in Nicodemus that begins with a surreptitious nocturnal visit to Jesus, and finishes up despising the shame of the cross in the preparation and burial of His body.
In a look at Jesus' visit to a Feast of Tabernacles at Jerusalem, Stephen identifies the way of Jesus concerning its hiddenness, its dependence upon the revelation of the Holy Spirit, its completely selfless agenda, and its being all toward the glory…
Ross looks briefly at a number of women in the scriptures, especially some little mentioned ones, and identifies their significance.
In this message we look at the disciples confronted with a visit to Judea shortly before Jesus’ crucifixion when the whole religio-political establishment was intent upon Jesus’ destruction. Thomas demonstrates the beginnings of a faith that is in…
Ross takes a look at the character and deeds of Barnabas in the Book of Acts by way of unfolding the nature of encouragement in the christian life.
Expounding from Isaiah 42.1-4 Ken Kelly shows those qualities of the character of Christ that we are exhorted to demonstrate in our lives, that it might be who we are before God and man, rather than what we do in the first instance, that is our…
Paul is set forth for the Church as the “spiritual man” he speaks of in 1 Corinthians 2:15. By this we are instructed in our growth to maturity in the knowledge of God in Christ, as the Spirit of the Lord leads in the way of the Cross.
Against the background of Paul’s defence of his ministry in the face of the work of those false apostles which followed him continually, we look at the portrait of a man mature in the things of the Spirit of God, both in his personal life, as well as…
We hold our lives in the Lord as a stewardship as we serve Him in the Spirit. Our response to the Spirit’s governing influence as He leads in the way of the cross will determine the respective measure of reward or loss we will receive in the age to…
The spiritual impact of Yahweh’s visitation of Israel on Mt Sinai has dissipated by the time of Isaiah. The prophet cries to God for a fresh visitation with a cry that prophetically speaks in our day as well. Paul picks that up addressing the…
Stephen takes us from the weariness, inability to complete or control our lives in the thralldom of self-centredness, to the soaring liberty of life in the Holy Spirit.
Ross identifies how the Holy Spirit is evident in the believer’s life by the expression of the centrality of Jesus, humility and love, and how God Himself is manifest in the exercise of spiritual gifts in the gathering of believers.
In our endeavour to appreciate the spiritual reality of the things of God we consider the spiritual substance behind the narrative of the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai.
The revelation of the things of the Spirit of the Lord, this being our only avenue to the knowledge of the Lord and His Way, comes to us invariably in the way of the cross, in the course of practical, daily life.
We see that the fellowship of which Luke speaks in Acts 2:42 is central to the eternal purpose of God, and involves the building of the complete Man, which is Jesus Christ corporately in His Church. This fellowship has a very practical outworking in…
We see how the fellowship we share as believers in Jesus, is the fellowship of the Father and His Son, and is essentially spiritual before anything else, and is thus a matter of seeing by the illumination of the Holy Spirit.